To know these two, is to love them.
On May 25th, so many people gathered around, told stories, shed tears, and celebrated Sarah & Jordan saying “I do”.
They were married at Evergreen Plantation & each had their brothers as the wedding party. (Yes, her brothers were “bridesmen” 😉
Their love is genuine, sweet, and together they as the most laid back pair. More so, they love people and each had their 10-12 cloesest friends sit in special seats during the wedding & then come pray over them. What a gift to be a witness to these moments that are truly glimpses of Heaven on earth!
Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Rogers! Scroll through to see some favorites! (sorry not sorry, this ones a long blog! 😉
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Her first look with her girls!
Her first look with her dad! (we all cried!)
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Reading each others letters before the ceremony…
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Evergreen Plantation was truly magical! There were trees everywhere that provided beautiful light!
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Sweet speeches from her dad & brother…
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What a JOY to be apart of your day Jordan & Sarah! Love you both! – Melissa