(because your love is all that & more!)
Your love is goofy, sweet, weird, and its so dang fun! And that’s where I come in.
I’m Melissa, a photographer with a heart for the genuine, real, & joyful moments.
Wanna grab coffee or chat over the phone? Contact me here!
HEY, IT’S ME & MY BOO! (Warning, I say “boo” a lot!) My hubby & I are best friends, big fans of breakfast food, enjoy road trips with peach rings, & just love time together. Here’s a little about me, my handsome man, and why I do what I do. About me >
WEDDINGS, ENGAGEMENTS, FAMILIES, & everything in between. I’m here for it all! And I love all the big & small moments of your story. Here’s some of my work & some pretty sweet moments. The Blog >
wanna laugh a lot
& take some pictures in the process?
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